InventJS™ Examples & Documentation

Exporting Project

As HTML Webpage:
InventJS™ allows exporting projects as full webpages!
As Android App:
 Sites like AppsGeyser provide ways to package the HTML file into an APK (Android)


The "JS UI" block category contains custom blocks allowing with interaction with the HTML DOM.


Creating an Element

InventJS provides an helper function in JS to take care of creation of Elements:

Create a Button with ID

Changing the Content of an Element

You might have noticed in the last section, the button we created was empty. This is because we have not set the innerHTML, or content, of the Element.

Set the content of an Element

In the above blocks, we set the innerHTML of the element with id of myid, the button we created earlier, to Hello

Element onClick Event

A Button is just not very useful without being clickable.

First create a new function

Set the onClickEvent Element

In the above blocks, we set the onClick event of the element with id of myid to myFunction();

Now Run


onClick and functions with arguments

onClick uses the generated JS name of the function.
A function with the name of myFunction:
- No inputs would be myFunction();
- The input of x would be myFunction(x);
- The inputs of x & y would be myFunction(x, y);

Get/Change the Position of an Element

Get Position

Blocks that return the x & y values from getBoundingClientRect are provided. ex:

Set Position

By default HTML elements have the position value of static; For us to set the coordinates of the element,
we have to set the position style to absolute.

Now we can set the top (y) and left (x) positions of the element.
Note: The value is in CSS units, so px or rem needs to be appended to the end.


Copyright © 2021 by Isaiah.